ADHD Naturopath

A Multifaceted Approach to ADHD Management

Embrace Your Neurodiversity with Natural Solutions

As a person with neurodiversity, you’ve most likely tried countless supplements or therapies to try to “heal” or “fix” your ADHD. As ADHD is a brain neurotype, it's not something that needs to be fixed but, better yet, supported naturally through holistic remedies tailored to your unique biochemistry.

As a dedicated neurodiverse naturopath, I have a special focus on supporting adults, teenagers and children with ADHD. I recognise that ADHD, particularly in women, is often overlooked and misdiagnosed. You might feel overwhelmed, misunderstood, or unsupported. I'm here to change that.

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Collaborative ADHD Support to Match Your Needs

While conventional medicine offers paths to symptom relief, it frequently overlooks the whole picture, especially in women, where ADHD becomes intertwined with hormonal changes, such as menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause – leaving many women feeling at a loss with their health and overwhelmed by conflicting health advice. 

My approach extends beyond immediate solutions, delving into the biochemistry of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. This includes a comprehensive look at your wellbeing, especially areas that may affect you more deeply, such as gut health, hormonal balance, and emotional health.

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The majority of my clients with ADHD will experience

Poor Gut Health & Microbial Imbalances

Many individuals with ADHD or autism suffer from dysbiosis, an imbalance of gut bacteria that can negatively affect both gut health and brain function. Symptoms such as digestive discomfort, irregular bowel movements, and mood fluctuations can arise from this imbalance. Our approach focuses on rebalancing the gut microbiota to improve both gastrointestinal and neurological health.

Reduce Neuroinflammation

Neuroinflammation refers to inflammation of the brain, often linked to various neurological conditions, including ADHD. This condition can manifest as foggy thinking, memory issues, fatigue, and mood swings. By targeting the gut-brain axis, we aim to alleviate these symptoms by improving gut health, which is crucial for reducing inflammation and enhancing cognitive function and overall well-being.

High Toxicity

Exposure to high levels of toxins, particularly heavy metals like lead and mercury, is linked to exacerbated symptoms of neurological disorders, including ADHD and autism. Symptoms like cognitive impairment, hyperactivity, and lethargy are common. We employ strategies to detoxify the body, enhancing the elimination of toxins and improving both neurological function and overall health.

MTHFR Gene Mutation

The MTHFR gene mutation affects the body's ability to process folic acid and other important nutrients, which is crucial for detoxification and cellular repair. This can lead to issues like fatigue, headaches, and mood swings. Our tailored strategies enhance methylation and detoxification processes to mitigate these symptoms.

Food Sensitivity or Intolerances

Food sensitivities and intolerances can exacerbate neurological and digestive symptoms, leading to issues like brain fog, irritability, and stomach distress. We focus on identifying these triggers and adjusting diets to alleviate these symptoms and support overall gut health.

Poor Immunity

Weakened immune function in individuals with ADHD or autism can result from and contribute to microbial imbalances and nutritional deficiencies, leading to frequent infections and overall poor health. Our approach targets these root causes to strengthen the immune system and enhance resistance to illness.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Individuals with ADHD or autism often experience nutritional deficiencies due to dietary imbalances or absorption issues, leading to symptoms like lack of focus, fatigue, and poor physical health. We correct these deficiencies through targeted nutritional supplementation and dietary planning to improve both physical and cognitive function.

Addressing Pyroluria

Pyroluria, a biochemical imbalance, is characterised by the excessive production of pyrrole molecules that bind with vitamin B6 and zinc, depleting these essential nutrients. Symptoms include mood swings, poor stress control, and hormonal imbalances. By addressing these deficiencies, we help stabilise mood and enhance overall physiological functioning.

Understanding Your Unique Biochemistry.

ADHD isn't one-size-fits-all. It can involve a mix of genetic, gut health, nutritional, hormonal, and environmental factors. So, therefore, none of my treatment plans are the same. We want to get to the driving factors contributing to your ADHD; this is where in-depth functional testing allows me to see the whole picture, including:

  • Organic Acid Test
  • Methylation Profile
  • Functional Stool Testing
  • SIBO Testing
  • In-Depth Pathology Blood Testing
  • Heavy Metal Testing
  • Urinary Kryptopyrroles Test (Pyrolles)

With this knowledge, I can craft a targeted herbal and nutritional treatment plan designed specifically for your needs. This may include dietary changes, lifestyle alterations, and slight adjustments to your everyday habits. Plus, as needed, I integrate kinesiology into the sessions to support the nervous system and emotional wellbeing

I Need This

How Does it Work?

1. Let’s Meet to See How I Can Help You

Starting with a one-on-one meeting, we'll dive into your unique ADHD experiences, health history, and goals. This initial chat is a chance for us to connect and for you to see if my approach feels right for you. It’s the beginning of tailoring a plan that fits your needs, aiming for a calmer, more fulfilling life. Whether you’re navigating overwhelm or seeking natural symptom management, this meeting is where your personalised journey begins.

2. In-Depth Functional Testing to Understand The Whole of You

Before anything else, we dive deep with comprehensive functional testing. This isn't just about looking at symptoms; it's about understanding you entirely – your body's unique biochemistry, how your environment affects you, and even the smallest details that could be contributing to how you feel every day. This initial step is crucial for crafting a plan that's as unique as you are.

3. Creating Your Path to Calm and Focus

After testing, I tailor a holistic treatment plan that addresses your specific needs, incorporating a blend of naturopathic remedies, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle adjustments. This comprehensive plan aims not just to manage your ADHD symptoms but to enhance your overall quality of life, taking into account the unique health challenges and opportunities that being a neurodiverse woman presents.

4. Support Beyond the Symptoms

The journey doesn’t stop with your initial treatment. I offer continued support and guidance for you and your family, ensuring that the strategies we implement are sustainable and effective. ADHD support is a path we walk together, tailored specifically to you or your family's unique needs and lifestyle.

I Need This

ADHD Management That Looks At The Whole Picture

I’ll help you work with your ADHD, not against it, ensuring you embrace your unique self. We’ll work together to;

  • Restore complete health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally.
  • Comprehensive treatment plans using personalised, high-quality herbal and nutritional medicine, dietary interventions and lifestyle changes.
  • Unique attention, support, and guidance throughout your life cycles.
  • Ability to work with your doctors and therapists to implement a treatment that best suits your needs.
  • A judgement-free zone where you can express your health concerns freely.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and seeking a supportive, holistic approach, I’m here to help. Reach out to schedule a 1:1 consult.

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A guide to supporting you with your ADHD

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